Alexander Mathews

Alexander is our boy. 200% boy. Everything Alexander does or thinks points back to the fact that he is a boy. Alexander's nickname is The Boy. Alexander loves to play. He loves to sit in his room with his toys and have battles. Alexander likes to climb, swing, jump, flip, fight, kick and hit. Alexander is intelligent when he wants to be and only when he wants to be. Everything is done on Alexander's time. Alexander is very anal; his shoestrings have to be tied a certain way, his shirt has to be tucked in and even though he likes to get dirty, as soon as he finishes playing, the dirt has to come off immediately. Alexander loves to bother his sisters.

In 2007 Alexander's baseball team won the league championship, his wrestling team won the Regional Championship and came in 3rd place in the State Championship. Alexaner's Football team won 1st place in the League Championship and was unscored on until the second game of the playoffs. He played Middle Linebacker. Alexander played a big role in helping his teams win the championships. Alexander also continues to do well in school. He received straight A's all year.

In 2006 Alexander continued being 200% boy. Alexander played football where his team didn't lose any games until the final championship game. Alexander played Defensive Tackle (next year he hopes to play Running Back). Alexander also played basketball where his team won every game except one. The basketball team went to tournaments and lost in the third round. There were a total of four rounds before the championship game. He also played baseball where his team was horrible. Alexander continued his trend of getting straight "As". Alexander still likes me to tuck him in at night but during the rest of the day he doesn't want to be bothered with me.

In 2005 Alexander has shown us that he is more anal than his father could ever dream of being. Alexander is extremely intelligent. He does very well in school, performs well above his grade level in reading and math and loves to pick with his sisters because he brings home straight As. They tell him they brought home straight As when they were in first grade, too but he doesn't want to hear any part of that. Alexander loves all sports. He is starting football this fall and he will also be starting basketball. Alexander doesn't seem to be into girls too much right now he is too busy playing with his friends. He has a lot of girls that like him but he just ignores them and I do mean literally ignores them. Kevin still calls my son a Mama's boy because he still likes me to tuck him in at night but I think Kevin is just jealous because I won't tuck him in.

In 2003 Alexander took swimming lessons and ice skating lessons. Alexander also took gymnastics and basketball. Alexander also took Wrestling for about two weeks. Alexander was in preschool this year and started Kindergarten. He really liked both. In preschool he had a little girlfriend named Mannon - they car pooled together. In Kindergarten he hasn't found a girlfriend yet. Alexander is doing well in school. Alexander loves basketball and he really likes ice hockey. We had decided we weren't going to let Alexander take Ice Hockey lessons because they are too time consuming. We also decided to take him out of wrestling (he was very good at it) because it was also too time consuming. For Alexander's sixth birthday we made our normal Disney trip. Alexander had a wonderful time. He went to Medieval Times for dinner and loved it, and we also went to Whispering Canyon for dinner and loved that too. One funny thing about Alexander's birthday trip is Kevin and I got in the car ready to pull out for the airport and heard the kids yelling at us. Kevin and I both look at each other because we thought the kids were in the back seat. Turns out they had gotten in my car instead of Kevin's car and we were about to leave them. We didn't notice they weren't in the back seat of Kevin's car. We laughed about that all the way to the airport.

In 2002 Alexander has decided to show us his intelligence a little more. Alexander decided he would play on the computer and let me teach him things other than his numbers and alphabet. Alexander is 80% grandpa and 20% Kevin. Alexander has grandpa's same stubborn, determined, get-out-of-my-way attitude. Once Alexander sets his mind to something, there is no turning him around. Alexander has Kevin's anal-ness and some of Kevin's intelligence. Alexander is very strong and fast - he is like a little Running Back. Alexander has a boyish charm, loves girls and has a little girlfriend named Christy. Alexander isn't into organized activities yet, even though he did play soccer and floor hockey, both of which he did very well in.

Alexander is very intense about whatever he decides to do. Kevin and I are reserving judgment to determine what type of person Alexander is going to be. Alexander is constantly changing. Sometimes we think he is very bright and sometimes we think he is our child and we love him no matter what.

Some fun things Alexander has done while growing up.

    Various Years:
    • When Alexander was a baby he broke a bar off his crib. Sierra was in the crib playing with Alexander, I heard Sierra crying I went in to see what was a matter and Alexander was beating Sierra in the head with the bar.
    • We went to a hotel for the weekend. The hotel gave us a crib to put Alexander in. Kevin got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and when he walked pass the crib, he felt something wet and warm on him. Alexander had taken his pamper off, again, and peed all over Kevin.
    • Alexander broke the play bin because he didn't like being in it.
    • Alexander broke the walker because he didn't like being in it.
    • Alexander use to growl every time he saw Kevin.
    At Two Years Old:
    • Grabbed a woman's breast and wouldn't let go.
    • Alexander was featured on a Little Tikes Dishes box. The box was sold nationally and in Canada.
    At Three Years Old:
    • Alexander loves to walk around in dress-up clothes (Spiderman, Batman, Vampire, Fireman, Policeman, Woody). Whenever we see Alexander, he is dressed up like a character.
    • Alexander took one of the girls' rings to school and gave it to his girlfriend.
    At Four Years Old:
    • Alexander was always fighting Sierra. One day Sierra got tired of Alexander fighting her and when he came to attack her she punched him so hard he fell into the wall and busted his lip. For about two months Alexander wouldn't bother Sierra because he said he was afraid she would beat him up.
    • Alexander scored a goal in Floor Hockey.
    • Kevin has Alexander walking around with his hands down his pants. Alexander would do it when I was around because he knew it bothered me.
    At Five Years Old:
    • Alexander has once again shown us how anal he can be. Alexander informed us that he would not be peeing on himself anymore because he checked with his friends and five year old boys do not pee on themselves. So far he hasn't had any more accidents. Alexander also informed us of a lot of other things five year old boys do or don't do.
    • For Alexander's 5th birthday he had a GI Joe party. All of his friends came dressed as GI Joes or GI Janes and they had a Boot Camp. The kids, climbed robes, had a water race, had an airplane race and helped launch a hand grenade pinata.
    At Nine Years Old:
    • For Alexander's ninth birthday he was suppose to go away for the night with his parents instead of having a party. Alexander told his parents he got to see them enough. He told them he didn't want to go away with them he would rather have a party with his friends instead.
    • Alexander had a sports party at the YMCA with a lot of his friends from the football team and a few other friends.

    Who is Alexander Thomas Mathews? Alexander is a handsome little boy that will one day break some woman's heart. Alexander is loving, wild, all boy and without a doubt the most active child I have ever seen. Kevin and I are both glad Alexander was our last child because no matter when he was born, he would have been the last child we had. Alexander makes both our lives full and fun and we couldn't imagine life without him or his sisters.